Grief Circle of Support
While grief is a highly individualized experience, participation in a support group often helps healing begin. Bereavement support is often successful in helping people to identify their difficulties and begin to adjust to a new phase in life. Share and learn from others in a safe environment.
April 8th Tutu’s House 1:30-2:30, May 27th North Hawaii Hospice 9:30-10:30
Caregivers Circle of Support
Are you caring for a family member or friend? Please stop by for support and encouragement. Learn helpful tips and ways you can take care of yourself during this challenging time. Meet with other caregivers and learn from their experiences.
April 15th 9:30-10:30 North Hawaii Hospice
Grief Circle of Support – Expressive Art (Adults)
Art is an important means of expression that is particularly useful when you are grieving. It can help you manage your emotions and find calmness. A variety of creative art forms are offered. No art experience needed.
April 22nd 1:30-3:00 Tutu’s House, May 27th 3:00-4:30 Tutu’s House
Grief Circle of Support – Expressive Art (Pre-teens and Teens)
This support group is offered throughout the year providing a variety of creative art forms. Check for summer and school break programs. To be announced – call or e-mail to be put on mailing list.
Widows and Widowers – Circle of Support – Pupu Gathering
The group will plan and participate in discussion topics, activities, films to watch and more, while supporting each other in their future journey. To be announced – call or e-mail to be put on mailing list.
Community Education – Video Series and Group Discussion
This series includes a variety of videos covering topics such as living with purpose and gathering information for having a better death. Stimulating group conversation will follow the video presentations.
April 15th 3:00-4:30 & May 13th Tutu’s House
Individual Appointments (Adults & Youth)
Individual support is offered and can be arranged to meet your schedule.
To join our mailing list for upcoming groups or obtain more information on times and locations contact North Hawaii Hospice Bereavement Coordinator:
Or Call 885-7547
There are no fees for groups and individuals appointments.